Does The Audio Technica Need Speakers

Does The Audio Technica Need Speakers?

Getting down to the nitty-gritty of vinyl records requires not only a good turntable but also an exceptional sound setup to ensure every note hits home. If you’re dipping your toes into the world of vinyl record players, you’ve likely come across the renowned Audio Technic turntables. However, there’s frequently one burning question on the minds of both enthusiasts and first-time buyers: ‘Do Audio Technic turntables need speakers?’.

Before we jump into that, let’s just familiarize ourselves with the mystique of audio technology. Known for its craftsmanship and innovation, this well-established company has rolled out a series of high-end turntables.

But the functionality of these record players, like their features, differs greatly. And that includes whether they work independently or need supplemental speakers to deliver that sublime vinyl sound.

“The music from your Audio Technica turntable deserves to be heard in its full glory, and that’s possible only with a robust sound setup, whether it’s embedded in the turntable or accomplished through external speakers.”

  • Audio Technica AT-LP60: This is the turntable that put Audio Technica on the map. Known for its user-friendly features and exceptional sound quality, it does require external speakers.
  • Audio Technica AT-LP120: Somewhat of an industry standard, this direct-drive turntable is used by DJs worldwide and indeed needs speakers to bring the music to life.

So, now that we’ve scraped the surface, let’s unravel the deeper details about Audio Technica turntables and their need (or not) for speakers.

Read also: Does A Record Player Need Speakers?

What are the specific features of Audio Technica turntables?

Audio Technica turntables are renowned for their outstanding audio fidelity and build quality. As audiophiles, we know that the little details can make all the difference when it comes to audio reproduction. So, let’s dive respectfully into the intricacies of the specific features that elevate Audio Technica turntables above the rest.

  • Phonograph Cartridge: The hallmark of any great turntable, Audio Technica’s products feature high-performance, user-replaceable phonograph cartridges, designed especially to provide excellent fidelity and superb clarity in sound reproduction.
  • Die-cast aluminum plating is a vital component of turntables because it ensures accurate speed. Audio Technica turntables come with anti-resonance, die-cast aluminum platters that reduce vibrations and offer stable rotation for high-fidelity playback.
  • Built-in Preamp: Most Audio Technica turntables feature a built-in preamp (also known as phono stage), which boosts the signal from the cartridge to a line level. It’s switchable, meaning you have the option of using an external preamp if you wish.
  • Sturdy Tonearm: Crafted with the utmost precision, the tonearm of an Audio Technica turntable has an adjustable counterweight system and offers excellent tracking for smooth and distortion-free audio output.
  • Speed Selection: Handily, Audio Technica turntables usually offer multiple playing speeds, typically 33-1/3 and 45 RPM, making it possible for you to play a wider range of vinyl records.
  • Connectivity: While we’ll go into more detail later on in the article, it’s certainly worth mentioning that Audio Technica turntables come with all the necessary cables that you will need to connect to your speakers or stereo system.

These features work together harmoniously to ensure that each time you lower the stylus onto your favourite vinyl record, you’re taken on an unsurpassed audio journey. But wait! Let’s not skip over the fascinating topic of speakers just yet, as they too play an integral role in your Audio Technica listening experience.

Do Audio Technica turntables have built-in speakers?

You might be wondering if your Audio Technica turntable comes with a built-in speaker. After all, some turntable models have this feature, which simplifies setup and use. However, it’s important to note that Audio Technica turntables do not have built-in speakers.

Rather than viewing this as a negative aspect, consider it an opportunity for customization. This lack of built-in speakers allows for the freedom to pair your turntable with an external speaker system that suits your specific audio preferences, whether that’s a minimal two-speaker setup or a high-end, multi-speaker home theater system.

Note: Including a built-in speaker could potentially degrade the audio quality as vibrations from the speakers can negatively influence the turntable’s performance. So, Audio Technica’s decision to exclude built-in speakers actually serves to keep the focus on providing high-quality sound reproduction for discerning audiophiles.

To enjoy the best audio experience, you may need to connect your Audio Technica turntable to a stereo system, powered speakers, or an amplifier with an auxiliary channel. The specific process to do so varies, but we’ll discuss this more in the later sections.

What type of external speakers are compatible with Audio Technica turntables?

Ringing out the best sound from your Audio Technica turntable might necessitate the use of an external speaker system. But rest assured, you’re not restricted to a singular choice. Audio Technica turntables are compatible with a broad range of speakers to cater to your individual audiophile preferences.

Primarily, you can categorize these compatible speakers into three types:

  1. Active speakers: These are speakers with a built-in amplifier. As Audio Technica turntables have a built-in phono preamp, they can be directly connected to active speakers without the need for an additional amplifier. They’re an excellent choice for those who prefer a minimalist setup.
  2. Passive speakers: Unlike active speakers, passive speakers require an external amplifier or receiver to function. Connecting Audio Technica turntables to passive speakers would require an amplifier or a receiver. This ensures the signal from the turntable is amplified correctly for the speaker’s proper functioning.
  3. Wireless/Bluetooth speakers: If you prefer a modern, cord-free setup, certain models of Audio Technica turntables are equipped with wireless technology, allowing them to connect seamlessly with Bluetooth speakers.

In essence, the type and model of the external speakers for your Audio Technica turntables largely depend on your personal listening preferences and how much room you have for your audio setup. Whether you’re a fan of the traditional wired setup, enjoy the simplicity of active speakers, or relish in the modern convenience of Bluetooth speakers, you’re covered!

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What is the sound quality difference when using external speakers with Audio Technica turntables?

When it comes to judging sound quality, it’s often a subjective experience as it can depend on various factors such as individual hearing capabilities, preferences, and the environment. However, there are certain improvements you will likely notice when you connect your Audio Technica turntable to external speakers.

Enhanced Sound Reproduction: External speakers, especially high-quality ones, often have better componentry and construction that leads to more accurate sound reproduction. This means that the pitches, tones, and nuances of music are more accurately recreated, leading to a more immersive and genuine listening experience.

Greater Volume Levels: If you’ve ever felt like your vinyl records just weren’t quite loud enough, external speakers will solve that problem. They are usually capable of achieving much higher volume levels without distortion, making for a more enjoyable listening experience, especially with upbeat, lively tracks.

Better Stereo Separation: As turntables are stereo devices, connecting them to a set of speakers can dramatically improve stereo separation. This results in a more realistic and three-dimensional sound where you can distinctively hear the different instruments and vocals.

Flexibility in Sound Customization: Depending on the type of speakers, you may have more options to adjust the bass, treble, and other audio elements, allowing you to tailor the sound to your liking.

Note: Keep in mind that using high-quality speakers with a low-quality stylus or cartridge might result in a disappointing sound. To get the best possible sound out of your Audio Technica turntable, make sure both your stylus and speakers are of comparable quality.

On the whole, using external speakers can enhance the audio experience provided by Audio Technica turntables, making your favorite records sound even better.

What is the process for connecting external speakers to Audio Technica turntables?

Connecting external speakers to your Audio Technica turntable is a straightforward process, even if you’re a first-time user. First things first, let us assure you that it’s not as daunting as it seems. If you follow this step-by-step guide, you will have an immersive listening experience in no time.

  1. Identify the appropriate ports: On the back of your Audio Technica turntable, you’ll find a pair of red and white RCA output jacks. These ports are responsible for transmitting audio signals to your speakers.
  2. Locate the input jacks on your speakers. Your speakers will have similar RCA red and white jacks. These are the input jacks, which will receive the audio signal from the turntable.
  3. Connecting the cables: Connect the RCA plugs from your Audio Technica turntable into the input jacks on your speakers. The colors of the plugs correspond to the colors of the ports. The white plug goes into the white port, and the red plug goes into the red port.
  4. Power on: Once you have correctly connected your turntable with your external speakers, it’s time to power on the turntable and the speakers.
  5. Test the sound: Play a vinyl record on your turntable to test the sound. Adjust the volume and enjoy the depth and quality of sound that Audio Technica offers!

While this process appears simple, be extremely careful when handling your turntable and speakers. Also, adjust the volume to a lower level initially to avoid any sudden, loud sound that may startle you or cause harm to your audio equipment.


In conclusion, Audio Technica turntables do not require speakers in the traditional sense due to their built-in phono preamps. However, hooking them up to external speakers can significantly enhance your audio experience. The type of speaker you choose will dramatically affect the sound quality.

Audio Technica turntables are flexible and compatible with a variety of speaker types. The speakers you choose should complement the output of your turntable and suit your personal audio preferences. This may mean investing in speakers with high performance in the bass or treble spectrum, or it could be speakers that provide a balanced audio experience.

When it comes to connecting your external speakers to your Audio Technica turntable, the process is straightforward and user-friendly. You’ll need to connect the audio output from your turntable to the audio input on your speakers, usually via an RCA cable. However, remember to always consult the user’s manual of your specific turntable model for detailed instructions.

Remember, your turntable setup can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. With Audio Technica, you are in control of your audio experience. So, experiment with different speakers and setups to find the sound that brings you the utmost listening pleasure.

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Can I use any type of speaker with my Audio Technica turntable?

Yes, but with a caveat. While you can connect your turntable to any speaker system, it’s recommended to use amplified speakers or passive speakers with an amplifier for the best sound quality.

Is a preamp necessary for connecting speakers to an Audio Technica turntable?

Not always. Many Audio Technica turntables have built-in preamps, but if yours doesn’t, you’ll need an external one to connect to speakers.

Does the size of the speakers affect the sound quality?

Although larger speakers can often produce richer, fuller sound, the quality of the speakers and the room acoustics play a significant role as well.

Can I connect wireless speakers to my Audio Technica turntable?

Yes, you can, but you’ll need a Bluetooth transmitter since most turntables don’t have in-built Bluetooth capabilities.

What’s the benefit of using powered speakers with a turntable?

Powered speakers have a built-in amplifier, which saves you the hassle of needing to find and install an external one.

How can I improve the sound quality of my Audio Technica turntable?

Besides investing in a quality speaker system, you can use record cleaning kits, replace old and worn styluses, and ensure your turntable is placed on a stable, vibration-free surface for optimum sound quality.

Can I connect my Audio Technica turntable to my home theater system?

Absolutely. Connect the analog output of the turntable to the analog input of your home theater system using the suitable cables.

Do I need any special cables to connect my turntable to speakers?

Most speakers can be connected to turntables using standard RCA or 3.5mm audio cables. Certain speakers might require specific types or additional adapters.

What is the lifespan of an Audio Technica turntable stylus?

Typically, the stylus should be replaced every 500–1,000 hours of use to maintain optimal sound quality and minimize wear on your records.

If my turntable doesn’t have built-in speakers, does it come with the necessary equipment to connect to speakers?

Typically, turntables come with the necessary wires for connection, but in some cases, you may need to purchase extra equipment, such as a preamplifier or specific types of cables.

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